Monique, David, and Elijah (5) Shapiro are our new PJ Library Family of the Month! The Shapiro family lives in Jessup and Eli attends Bet Yeladim Preschool. They also participated in our Hanukkah Helpers event this past December and helped with dropping off donations at Grassroots Crisis Intervention Center. Monique is a clinical social worker and David is the Director of a Project Management Office within the sign industry. They love receiving PJ Library books!
How did you hear about PJ Library?
Eli’s grandmother told us about this program when he was a baby, as his cousins were already registered. His grandmother is now enrolled as a PJ Library Grandparent, and his older cousins receive books from PJ Our Way.
What is your family's favorite PJ Library selection?
Elijah’s favorites are Noah’s Bark and Barnyard Purim. He also enjoys A Sick Day for Amos McGee.
Why is PJ Library important in your home?
Receiving monthly books that nurture Jewish traditions and values is a wonderful way to reinforce these messages in our home. Our talkative child’s commentary during story time has meaningful inspiration.
How has PJ Library influenced your family's Jewish living and decisions?
Having these books as part of our home’s reading collection helps us be intentional. We continue to read the holiday books throughout the year. The themes highlighted in PJ Library books help Elijah understand his background, while we continue to learn about our family traditions and the traditions of others.
What is your favorite PJ Library program?
We had a great time at the Annual Family Picnic before the pandemic, and we continue to enjoy opportunities to help our community through action coordinated by PJ Library and the Jewish Federation of Howard County.
What is your bedtime routine with your little one?
Dessert follows every dinner if vegetables were eaten. Then it’s bath, brush teeth, apply lotion, pajamas, three bedtime books chosen by Eli, and bedtime prayer and hugs.
We hope you enjoyed getting to know the Shapiro Family this month! If you'd like to be featured as an upcoming Family of the Month, please email Allison.