Please meet Orli, Rod, and Jonathan (6) as our September Family of the Month. They live in Fulton and Jonathan is in 1st Grade at Fulton Elementary School. The Barshooks have a family real estate business. They moved from California and have been in Howard County for 3 years. They love this community and PJ Library! Read more about them below.
How did you hear about PJ Library? We heard about PJ Library from friends. We love that we not only get books from PJ Library, but that there are also fun activities and great families to meet.
What is your favorite PJ Library book? We love all the books we've been getting, especially the books about traditions and holidays. Jonathan's favorite PJ Library book is Outside My Door. He loves how the boy walks over to his Grammy, he likes that it has some Hebrew words, and he loves looking at all the details at the Grammy's house. Jonathan has a very special relationship with his own Grammy so I think he can relate.
What is your favorite PJ Library program? We love getting the Holiday Craft Kits that had crafts, recipes, etc. We also enjoyed getting together at the park, exchanging books, and meeting other families.
What is your bedtime routine with your little one? We do bath, put on jammies, read, sing, and give hugs and kisses! :)
We hope you enjoyed getting to know the Barshook Family this month! If you'd like to be featured as an upcoming Family of the Month, send Allison an email.