Please meet Maya, Joshua, Josie (7), and Matan (4) as our January Family of the Month! The Green family lives in Columbia. Josie is in first grade at Stevens Forest Elementary School and Matan attends Temple Isaiah Preschool. Maya works as a school based occupational therapist and Joshua is a data analyst. Read more about their love of PJ Library below!
How did you hear about PJ Library?
I am pretty sure my mom told me about it when my brother had signed his children up.
What are your favorite PJ Library books?
That’s a tough one! Nachshon, Who Was Afraid to Swim is definitely one of our favorites! Josie is so intrigued by the Passover story, Egypt, and Israel.
Why is PJ Library important in your home?
PJ Library exposes us to stories that we might not have otherwise known about. It also helps us to teach our children about how people are similar and different and how to treat others.
How has PJ Library influenced your family's Jewish living and decisions?
I (Maya) grew up spending a lot of time in the synagogue as my mom was a Jewish educator. However, I think PJ Library has helped me introduce a variety of Jewish values and customs to my children through books.
What is your favorite PJ Library program?
We always love seeing the community at the picnic in May.
What is your bedtime routine with your little ones?
We read an insane number of books, say what we’re thankful for, and then the kids usually want me to say the Shema and sing to them. They each have three Hebrew songs that I sing just for them. Josie gets Kol HaOlam Kulo, Don’t Walk in front of me/Lo Yisa Goy el Goy Herev, and Eliahu Hanavi. Matan gets Oseh Shalom, Shalom Rav, and Im Tirzu.
We hope you enjoyed getting to know the Green Family this month! If you'd like to be featured as an upcoming Family of the Month, please email Allison.