Please meet Jessica, Aaron, Gabrielle (L), and Isabel (R) as our November Family of the Month. The Silver family lives in Laurel. The twins are 2 years old and will be starting at Temple Isaiah Preschool in the winter. Aaron is the Owner and Strategic Partner of PrideStaff Columbia. Jessica is currently a stay at home mom and will be returning to work as a Physical Therapist part-time when the girls begin preschool in a few months. They love PJ Library and are thrilled to be featured this month! Read more about them below.
How did you hear about PJ Library? The girls' Grandmom heard about PJ Library from a friend and signed Gabrielle and Isabel up for it when they were babies. What are your favorite PJ Library books? Our favorite PJ Library books are Can You Hear a Coo Coo?, Good Night Israel, and THANKS from The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Why is PJ Library important in your home? It's important to us that our children are raised around Jewish traditions and culture from a young age. PJ Library helps us incorporate different aspects of Judaism into our lives on a daily basis through reading. We especially enjoy books about Israel, books that incorporate Yiddish words, and books about the spirit of Tikkun Olam. How has PJ Library influenced your family's Jewish living and decisions? I think PJ Library has taught us that you have to make a conscious effort to bring Judaism into your home, but that even something small like a book can make a big impact on a child's development, and eventually awareness of their culture. What is your bedtime routine with your little one? We do a bubble bath with toys, lotion, putting on pajamas, snuggling and reading stories, brushing teeth, and then getting into their cribs with a stuffed animal. We hope you enjoyed getting to know the Silver Family this month! If you'd like to be featured as an upcoming Family of the Month, please email Allison.