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Easily find the right 5784 High Holiday services for you with our detailed directory below. 


Bet Aviv


Bet Aviv is a Reform Jewish congregation where adults “of AARP age” can be at home, feel needed and continue learning. Housed at the Oakland Mills Interfaith Center, we are happy to be part of Columbia’s interfaith concept, in which congregations of different faiths hold services and conduct numerous programs under one roof in the beautiful Meeting House.

Cost Information:

Free if first time; otherwise $250 ticket for all holidays

Rosh Hashanah Services:

Erev Rosh Hashanah
9/15/2023, 8:00pm

Rosh Hashanah Day 1 & Day 2
9/16/2023 & 9/17/2023, 10:00am

Yom Kippur Services:

Kol Nidrei
9/24/2023, 8:00pm

Yom Kippur
Morning: 10:00am
Afternoon: 3:30pm
Yizkor: 5:00pm
Ne’ilah: 6:00pm

For more information, please contact:

Bet Chaverim


We are an inclusive conservative congregation that values family and diversity. Rabbi Yocheved Heiligman is our spiritual leader. Our amazing Religious School meets on Sunday mornings, led by Rabbi Faith Cantor.

Cost Information:

The cost of a membership. $2000/family; $1000 single. Accommodations will be made on a need basis.

Rosh Hashanah Services:

Rosh Hashanah Day 1
9/16/2023, 9:30am
Owen Brown Interfaith Center

Rosh Hashanah Day 2
9/17/2023, 9:30am
Bet Chaverim Synagogue

Tashlich Service
Following Day 2 Rosh Hashanah services

Yom Kippur Services:

Kol Nidrei
9/24/2023, 6:30pm
Owen Brown Interfaith Center

Yom Kippur
9/25/2023, 9:30am
Owen Brown Interfaith Center

For more information, please contact:

Beth Shalom


Beth Shalom strives to welcome all to participate in an inclusive, down-to-earth, egalitarian Conservative Jewish community. We provide religious, spiritual, educational, interfaith, and social opportunities, across generational lines, within our walls and within the community at large.

Cost Information:

Some services are free to attend, and some are $250 for non-members. This pricing allows access to all holiday services. Free for full time students. Contact Jessica Schultz ( for more information about pricing.

Rosh Hashanah Services:

These services are open to all wishing to celebrate the high holidays.

Erev Rosh Hashanah Service:
9/15/2023, 7:00pm

Rosh Hashanah Day 1 & Day 2 Main Service
9/16/2023 & 9/17/2023, 9:00am

Tashlich Service
9/17/2023, 5:00pm

For 2-4 year olds accompanied by an adult:
Rosh Hashanah Day 1 & Day 2 Tots Service
9/16/2023 & 9/17/2023, 11:00am

For K-6th graders accompanied by a parent or guardian:
Rosh Hashanah Day 1 & Day 2 Family Service
9/16/2023 & 9/17/2023, 9:30am

For K-7th grade adult-led activities (children are divided into groupings, K-2nd, 3rd-5th, and 6th-7th grades):
High Holiday Youth Activities - Rosh Hashanah Day 1 & Day 2
9/16/2023 & 9/17/2023, 10:30am

For post-Bar/Bat Mitzvah teens:
High Holiday Teen Activities - Rosh Hashanah Day 1 & Day 2
9/16/2023 & 9/17/2023, 11:00am

Yom Kippur Services:

These services are open to all wishing to celebrate the high holidays.

Kol Nidrei
9/24/2023, 7:00pm

Yom Kippur
9/25/2023, 9:00am

This service is best for 2-4 year olds accompanied by an adult.
Yom Kippur Tots Service
9/25/2023, 11:00am

For K-6th graders accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Yom Kippur Family Service
9/25/2023, 9:30am

For K-7th grade adult-led activities (children are divided into groupings, K-2nd, 3rd-5th, and 6th-7th grades):
High Holiday Youth Activities - Yom Kippur
9/25/2023, 10:30am

For post-Bar/Bat Mitzvah teens - a highlight is meeting with unique, interesting congregants.
High Holiday Teen Activities - Yom Kippur
9/25/2023, 11:00am

For more information, please contact:

Chabad Lubavitch Center for Jewish Life in Howard County

Orthodox Lubavitch

Chabad Lubavitch Center for Jewish Life of Howard County is a place where all are welcome to share in and experience the beauty of Jewish Tradition. At Chabad we believe in the power of connectivity; connecting Jews to the joy and warmth of Judaism, connecting people, to harness the power of the community, and connecting every individual to their inner self, to harness the power of the soul.

Cost Information:

No Cost. Donations welcome.

Rosh Hashanah Services:

All services open to all. Detailed service times and Children's program on website.

Erev Rosh Hashanah - Evening Service
9/15/2023, 7:00pm

Rosh Hashanah Day 1
Morning Service: 9:30am
Evening Service: 7:00pm

Rosh Hashanah Day 2
Morning Service
9/17/2023, 9:30am

Yom Kippur Services:

Kol Nidrei & Maariv
9/24/2023, 6:30pm

Yom Kippur
Morning Service: 9:30am
Yizkor Service: 12:00pm
Yom Kippur evening Service - Mincha & Ne’ilah: 5:30pm

For more information, please contact:

Chabad of Clarksville

Orthodox Lubavitch

Our services are traditional, welcoming, and joyous. We strive to be a place of warmth, spiritual uplifting and camaraderie. A place where young and old regardless of background are made to feel at home.

Cost Information:

No Cost. Donations welcome.

Rosh Hashanah Services:

Rosh Hashanah Day 1 & Day Service
9/16/2023 & 9/17/2023, 10:00am
Open to all. Detailed service times and Children's program on website. Childcare is available.

Yom Kippur Services:

Kol Nidrei Service
9/24/2023, 6:45pm
Open to all.

Yom Kippur Service
9/25/2023, 10:00am
Open to all. Detailed service times and Children's program on website. Childcare is available.

For more information, please contact:

Chabad of Ellicott City

Orthodox Lubavitch

Chabad of Ellicott City is a place where all are welcome to share in and experience the beauty of Jewish Tradition. At Chabad of Ellicott City we believe in the power of connectivity; connecting Jews to the joy and warmth of Judaism, connecting people, to harness the power of the community, and connecting every individual to their inner self, to harness the power of the soul.

Cost Information:


Rosh Hashanah Services:

Erev Rosh Hashanah - Evening Service
9/15/2023, 7:00pm
This service is open to all. Proper accommodations are made available for those with disabilities and a children's program is alongside the main service. Childcare is available.

Erev Rosh Hashanah - Holiday Meal
9/15/2023, 7:30pm

Rosh Hashanah Day 1
Service: 10:00am
Holiday Meal: 12:00pm
Evening Prayer Service: 8:00pm
Evening Meal: 8:30pm

Rosh Hashanah Day 2
Service: 10:00am
Holiday Meal: 12:00pm

Yom Kippur Services:

Erev Yom Kippur - Evening Prayer Service: Kol Nidrei
9/24/2023, 6:45pm

Yom Kippur
Service: 10:00am
Yizkor Memorial Service: 11:30am
Evening Prayer Service: Mincha and Ne’ilah: 5:30pm

For more information, please contact:

Columbia Jewish Congregation


We are a welcoming, egalitarian community affiliated with the Jewish Reconstructionist Movement. With over 200 households of all different types and sizes, including interfaith families, LGBTQ+ families, and singles, we strive to apply Torah values in our congregation and our community.

Cost Information:

Please contact us for price information, 410-730-6044

Rosh Hashanah Services:

Childcare is available for ages 6 and under Rosh Hashanah Day 1 and Yom Kippur morning.

Erev Rosh Hashanah
9/15/2023, 7:00pm
Open to all.

Rosh Hashanah Day 1
9/16/2023, 9:30am
Open to all - babysitting available.

Rosh Hashanah Experience
9/16/2023, 10:30am
For children ages 7 & under (and parents).

Rosh Hashanah Day 2
9/17/2023, 9:30am
Open to all.

Yom Kippur Services:

Childcare is available for ages 6 and under Rosh Hashanah Day 1 and Yom Kippur morning.

Erev Rosh Hashanah
9/15/2023, 7:00pm
Open to all.

Rosh Hashanah Day 1
9/16/2023, 9:30am
Open to all - babysitting available.

Rosh Hashanah Experience
9/16/2023, 10:30am
For children ages 7 & under (and parents).

Rosh Hashanah Day 2
9/17/2023, 9:30am
Open to all.

Kol Nidrei
9/24/2023, 7:00pm
Open to all.

Yom Kippur
9/25/2023, 9:30am
Open to all.

Yom Kippur Experience
9/25/2023, 10:30am
For children ages 7 & under (and parents).

For more information, please contact:

Kol Nefesh


Formed in 2012, Kol Nefesh is a Reform congregation focusing on young adults and families, with the goal of meeting the religious, educational, and social needs of a diverse population in a warm, friendly, and service-oriented community. Practicing the principle of accessible Judaism, we feel that families can celebrate their Jewishness in a variety of ways. Whether it’s at Friday night services or on a hike with a few families, you can find your Judaism wherever community, spirituality, and camaraderie are found.

Cost Information:

Free, donation suggested for non-members

Rosh Hashanah Services:

Rosh Hashanah Day 1
9/16/2023, 10:00am
Outdoor service; open to all. No childcare but service is child friendly.

Tashlich Services
9/16/2023, 1:00pm
Outdoor gathering; open to all.

Yom Kippur Services:

Yom Kippur
9/25/2023, 10:00am
Open to all. No childcare but service is child friendly.

For more information, please contact:

Oseh Shalom


With our co-rabbis, cantor and High Holiday choir, Oseh Shalom celebrates the High Holy Days with awe and joy. Join us in person if possible but on Zoom if your health or safety necessitates that choice.
We will hold special programs geared to families, youth and teens with uplifting services filled with music, movement, prayer and fun. Family services are for toddlers and elementary age students: teen services are for grades 6 – 12.

Cost Information:

There are no fees for members and active military, no fee for Erev Rosh Hashanah services and no fee for members of other synagogues.

Non-Member Fee for all High Holiday services:
Adult $150 / Children $75

Non-Affiliated Relatives of Members for all High Holiday services:
Adult: $75 / Children $50

Single Service - Non-Affiliated Relative:
Adult $50 Child $36

Zoom only for non-members for all High Holiday services: $60

Childcare: There is no formal childcare, but there is a “quiet room” where parents can watch the service with their children. Children are welcome at all services.

Rosh Hashanah Services:

Erev Rosh Hashanah
9/15/2023, 7:30 pm

Rosh Hashanah Day 1
Service: 9:30 am
Teen Service: 10:00am
Family Service in tent: 10:15am
Youth Programming in tent: 11:20am

Tashlich Services
At Laurel Park: 1:30pm

Erev Rosh Hashanah Day 2
9/16/2023, 7:30pm (Zoom only)

Yom Kippur Services:

Kol Nidrei
9/24/2023, 7:30pm

Yom Kippur
Service: 9:30am
Teen Service: 10:00am
Family Service in tent: 10:15am
Youth Programming in tent: 11:20am
Afternoon Torah Study: 3:00pm
Meditation and Chanting: 4:00pm
Martyrology Service: 5:00pm
Mincha Service: 5:30pm
Ne’ilah Service: 6:45pm
Havdalah: 7:40pm
Break Fast: 7:45pm

For more information, please contact:

Temple Isaiah


Temple Isaiah, a reform congregation, offers dynamic programming, learning and worship for everyone. We are welcoming of all, including interfaith families and members with diverse backgrounds. We welcome everyone and meet you where you are.

Cost Information:

Varies by service – see below.

Rosh Hashanah Services:

Rosh Hashanah in the Park
9/16/2023, 2:30pm
Join the whole Temple Isaiah Clergy team for a Community wide Rosh Hashanah service.
Free. No childcare, service is child-friendly.

Rosh Hashanah Day 1 Service - Traditional
9/16/2023, 8:30am
Sanctuary Main Service
Free for members, fees for non-members. Childcare is available.

Rosh Hashanah Family Service
9/16/2023, 8:45am
Service geared towards families with elementary-school aged children
Free for members, fees for non-members. No childcare, service is child-friendly.

Rosh Hashanah Day 2 Service - Traditional
9/17/2023, 10:00am
Sanctuary Main Service
Free for members, fees for non-members. Childcare is available.

Yom Kippur Services:

Kol Nidrei Family Service
9/24/2023, 6:30pm
Service geared towards families with elementary-school aged children
Free for members, fees for non-members. No childcare, service is child-friendly.

Kol Nidrei Traditional Service
9/24/2023, 7:30pm
Sanctuary Main Service
Free for members, fees for non-members.

Yom Kippur Traditional
9/25/2023, 8:30am
Sanctuary Main Service
Free for members, fees for non-members. Childcare is available.

Yom Kippur Family Service
9/25/2023, 8:45am
Service geared towards families with elementary-school aged children
Free for members, fees for non-members. No childcare, service is child-friendly.

Yom Kippur Afternoon
9/25/2023, 3:00pm
Sanctuary Main Service
Free for members, fees for non-members.

Community Break the Fast
9/25/2023, 6:45pm
Break Fast for everyone.
$10 Members, $36 non-members. Pre-registration required.

For more information, please contact:

Bet Aviv
Bet Chaverim
Beth Shalom
Chabad Howard County
Chabad Clarksville
Columbia Jewish Congregation
Kol Nefesh
Oseh Shalom
Temple Isaiah
Chabad Ellicott City
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